How to use grep in editpad lite
How to use grep in editpad litehow to use grep in editpad lite

So, to search for text within thousands of files contained in a hierarchy of folders, you only need a single line of command that you can run on a terminal emulator. It’s main purpose is to search patterns in each file, but it supports complex rules. The grep (global regular expression print) command is very powerful and probably the most versatile of Linux commands. What do you do? Of course, looking into every single files would be mission impossible, so here’s Linux’s grep command to the rescue. You need to quickly find a single word or several within these files. It doesn’t matter the extension of the files contained in these folders as they can be whatever crosses your mind, e.g.txt. If you are a developer, a web programmer, or someone who works with many files and you need to find a single piece of text, you should know and memorize a single command you can use on any Linux-based system.įor example, let’s say you have a directory containing 30 folders and 20,000 files.

#How to use grep in editpad lite how to

The following tutorial will show you how to search for specific text within many files and folders in a GNU/Linux distribution using a single line of command.

How to use grep in editpad lite